Season of the Worthy

[ 2020-03-10 / 2020-06-09 / 91 days ] With the Almighty bearing down on the Last City, Guardians from all walks of life unite to bring all their power to bear against the Cabal sun-killer and forge new bonds with old rivals.

[2] Books

The Liar Total Chapters: 13
Trials and Tribulations Total Chapters: 9

[37] Items

[3] Kinetic Weapons
[5] Energy Weapons
[2] Power Weapons
[4] Helmet
[4] Gauntlets
[4] Chest Armor
[3] Leg Armor
[3] Class Armor
[9] Ships


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Cutscene video rules: The video (one video with everything) must include all cutscenes and if possible, dialogues and narratives from the season without changes. If you want to see your favorite content creator's video here, send us the link using the twitter. We will always give preference to content creators who support this project.